3 Easy Steps to Boost Exam Confidence

Are your exams looming and feeling like an overwhelming challenge? Do you lack the confidence to perform to your best?

Studying for exams can be an incredibly stressful time, especially for students with low self-esteem. I know this struggle first hand. Here are the 3 essential steps you need to tackle confidence issues in exams.

1. Break it down

Sometimes understanding maths and science can seem exhausting. By breaking down large topics into smaller chunks the work no longer seems like such a mountain to climb. An easy way to do this is to study one subtopic at a time.

Another good technique to use is called the Pomodoro method. This is simply breaking each revision session down to 25 minutes, followed by a five minute break. After 4 repetitions you can reward yourself with a longer break.

2. Make mistakes

Back in school I was so terrified of making mistakes that I would spend my lessons desperately avoiding eye contact rather than actually paying attention. The thought of saying the wrong thing caused me so much anxiety that it was interrupting my learning.

Making mistakes is an important part of the learning process, and trying to avoid them can be counter productive. Each time you make a mistake, you learn. Use this to your advantage and take risks.

Give yourself the freedom to go wrong. Not only will this help you learn but it will massively relieve the pressure during revision.

3. Repetition, repetition, repetition. 

Practising and repeating key concepts is the best way to build confidence. By reiterating the key points of a subject and then applying them to questions, not only will you better understand material but it will help you learn it too.

Particularly in application subjects like maths and science, the best way to learn is through past paper questions. These help you check your understanding and provide an expectation for the type of questions you will see in the exam. This is a huge stress reliever – trust me there’s no better feeling than opening an exam paper and seeing the familiar face of a question you have done before.

At Blossom Learning, I offer one to one tuition sessions tailored to the individual needs of each student. Through my support and guidance, I will help you to become confident in your studies and achieve success. Book a free trial call now.

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